This article is a continuation of The “God, The Infinite Filmmaker” article. Please keep in mind that I use the metaphor of life being a movie created by God, The Infinite Filmmaker.
In order to completely understand how the Infinite Filmmaker creates, we must first understand the Triune nature of the Infinite Filmmaker and how this movie called life was created from the beginning of time. One of the most popular biographies on the Infinite Filmmaker and where we will get the clearest understanding of how It creates this Movie called “Life” is in the Bible. So, without sounding too dogmatic I will draw your attention to the first line in the Old Testament… “In the beginning, God”. We have to realize that this Infinite Filmmaker existed before any movie treatment, script or storyboard was created for this movie called “Life”. In the beginning there was Spirit or Intelligence only, no manifest universe, no form, no planets, no script, no characters, no cast, no crew and no movie. There was nothing… just a blank slate. It clearly states that the whole vision for this movie called “Life” was created in the Mind of this Infinite Being and proceeded forth from the spoken word. “And God said let there be light and there was light” (St. John chapter 1). The universe was clearly created from the spoken word and came forth out of the mouth of the Infinite Filmmaker. Therefore everything exists in this movie through the mouth or word of the Infinite Filmmaker.
From where did the Infinite Filmmaker get Its’ idea for this movie called “Life”? How was everything in this movie first conceived and out of what was everything in this universe made? How did we come into being and receive life? It is easy to comprehend when we understand that the nature of The Infinite Filmmaker is a unity with three distinctive attributes. Spirit, Soul and Body.
Spirit is First cause or the mind of the Infinite Filmmaker that brings all things into existence. Spirit is the consciousness of the Infinite Filmmaker that knows itself and sees itself in everything that It creates. It is all, as all and through all and it is infinite in Its ability to create. There is nothing that it is not and nothing that it cannot and does not do. The original script that was created in the mind of the Infinite Filmmaker comes from First Cause. It is the original idea set in the mind of the Infinite Filmmaker for this movie called “Life”. For the purposes of this article I will refer to the screenplay for this movie called “Life” as originating from first cause and is the original idea set in the mind of the Infinite Filmmaker. We will talk later about the infinite screenplay and how we can get our hands on it. But for now let’s just understand that it originated in the mind of the Infinite Filmmaker.
The Soul on the other hand is the creative medium through which Spirit works. You can look at it as the fertile soil through which the seed grows into the plant. Or in terms of this movie called “Life” we can refer to it as the cast and crew who takes the script and through their own faculties create the movie that exists in the mind of the Infinite Filmmaker. The Soul is the subjective mind of the Infinite Filmmaker and it has no volition of Its own. It only takes what Spirit feeds it and creates from that. It has no mind of its own. It only does what it is told to do by Infinite Mind or Spirit. It does this through Its own Law of creation. Just as there are physical laws in the universe that determine the behavior of physical substance, so does the Spiritual realm have Laws that govern Its function. A good example of this Law is the creation of an oak tree out of an acorn. There is a law in place that brings the tree into existence. The Cast and Crew takes the Vision of the Infinite Filmmaker and creates this movie using these Laws.
The Body is everything that we experience in this physical world including our thoughts, emotions and feelings. In this movie called “Life” we can consider it the final print that is the result of Spirit (The Infinite Filmmaker) working with the Soul (The cast and crew) to create the Body (the movie itself) which is the result of all the work done by the cast and crew or by the Spirit acting upon the soul. It is the idea made manifest as the actual cellulite film that brings the movie into form so that we can experience the vision of the Infinite Filmmaker.
What Happens in the Macrocosm is also happening in the Microcosm of our individual life. Just as Infinite Mind sets the Law into motion to create Form in the universe, It also creates the circumstances and experiences in our personal life’s movie. Everything that we experience comes from that One Infinite Mind whose nature is one of perfection. So you may be wondering that if the Infinite Filmmaker is capable of creating everything to perfection in our life and if Its intention is to do so, then why is life such a struggle and so imperfect? The answer is the subject of my next article… “One With The Infinite Filmmaker”.
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