If we are to connect with all of our “Good” and create all of the things necessary for us to experience success in our life as a creative being, then it is imperative that we learn how to Pray Affirmatively. Affirmative Prayer is an alternative to pleading with God, or Spirit to hear your prayers, and is much more effective in bringing the things you are praying for into your life. When we approach prayer in this way, something profound happens in that the things we are praying for instantly appear in our life. It is measured according to our belief is what the Master taught over 2,000 years ago. Affirmative Prayer or "Speaking The Word" as it is sometimes called, is prayer that comes from the belief that whatever we ask for is already given and through our faith in the infinite Power and Presence of Spirit to bring it to us, we open up a channel for it to appear in our reality.
Affirmative Prayer is not something that comes easy to people who were brought up with the belief that only some of our prayers are answered and only when Spirit feels moved to do so. I remember a time when I would “make deals” with God, that if "He" answered my prayer I would believe in Him and would follow His ways. That seemed to work for a time only I wouldn’t often hold up my end of the bargain and would fall back into feeling not worthy to ask for anything else. How silly is that?
I now realize that God, cannot be defined or even imagined because the more we try to pigeon hole God into our personal view of "It", the further we get from knowing the true Spirit of All That Is. A clearer understanding of God and one that works for me is to look at the nature of God and the principles under which It operates.
One of the principles that I would like to discuss and one that is key to applying affirmative prayer is the belief that we are surrounded by an infinite Intelligence, which I refer to as the mind of the Infinite Filmmaker, which knows Itself to be all that I AM and doesn’t hold back from expressing Itself in my (our) life. If you can imagine that you are living in a movie that is being created by God, the Infinite Filmmaker, and as a character in this universal movie… you are a reflection of this Infinite Filmmaker in much the same way that a filmmaker in the physical world puts some aspect himself into every character he creates in his movie. He can’t help but to create his characters with some aspect of his personality, character, and nature into his film and so it is with God, the Infinite Filmmaker when He created you as a character in this universal movie called “Life”. We are not praying to something outside of ourselves to do something for us… we are praying to something that we are indubitably connected to that is already doing for us what we asked for. By praying affirmatively we opening ourselves to receiving that which is already given in the mind of the Infinite.
When you speak… your word goes to the place in Infinite Mind where the thing that you spoke of exists. It is as if your word is the direct connection to the thing that you prayed for allowing it to show up in your life. There was a time when I believed my prayers were cast out among the stars and randomly they would be answered depending on the mood of God. But now I see that all our prayers are answered before we even ask them. As the Master said, “ask and it is given, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened.” We just have to act as if we already have what we pray for and it will appear in our reality. This is where the ingredient of faith comes in. We just have to believe that the eternal gift is given, act as if it were already there and then give thanks for receiving it and it will appear… it is as simple as that. There is a very effective method of praying affirmatively that was taught to me when I studied at the Agape Spiritual Center that is a 5 step process and is what is commonly referred to as a treatment or affirmative prayer. I do treatments on a daily basis for everything from healing myself and others when we are sick to bringing people and things into my life that I need to move forward in my vision to teach these spiritual principles to creative individuals in the entertainment industry. It is very powerful prayer and it works! To learn more about treatments and affirmative prayer I invite you to register as a member of The Infinite Filmmaker website. You will be updated on my upcoming classes and events that teach these powerful principles.
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