The Infinite Filmmaker Headline Animator

Friday, July 13, 2007

One with the Infinite Filmmaker

In my last Blog I spoke about the Omnipotent nature of the Infinite Filmmaker and eluded to the fact that it is us and not the Infinite Filmmaker, that is blocking all of our good in this movie called "Life." In this Blog we will examine some of the principles that the infinite Filmmaker uses to create everything in this universe in such a perfect way including our lives. We will learn about the law of cause and effect and discover how to apply this law to create prosperity, abundance and success in your life as a creative individual. "Your life is created in the exact same way that the Divine creator creates everything in the universe... from the infinite solar system to the birth of a child it is all created in the same way. There is a law behind all creation and just as physical laws, mathematical laws, and scientific laws can be understood and then utilized, so too can spiritual laws be used for creating everything in your life in such a perfect way. Up until now most of you have been using these same laws to create lack, limitation and disharmony in your life. It's the same law, only different results. We will learn to use these laws for the purpose of tapping into the Infinite Power of the universe to create positive results in our life's movie."

Contrary to what one may think, we are not subject to the causes around us and do have control over the results that we experience in our movie called "Life." We live in a world of causes and effects and yet we can choose to set the causes in motion that will create the effect that we desire. We are not at the mercy of an inconsistent filmmaker who chooses to create havoc in this universal movie

There is one great cause behind everything in this universal movie and everything is an effect or result of this one great cause which I will call The Infinite Filmmaker for the purpose of this blog. Nothing can exist without this one cause for everything is a reflection of this One Cause and just as you cannot separate a wave from the ocean, or the gold from a gold pen, the gold is the gold pen and so too are we and everything we experience in this movie called life... one with the Infinite Filmmaker. Wherever we are the Infinite Filmmaker is there also. We cannot be seperated from the source no matter how hard we try and this is the second principle that we must understand in order to create change in our life. When you are looking at yourself you are seeing the Infinite Filmmaker and all is just as it should be.

Each character in this movie called "Life" is a unique individual expression of the Infinite Filmmaker. There are no two characters alike in this movie and there is something that each one of you can do that no one else can do. Just as we being creative artists have this need to express ourselves in our films by creating characters that are some aspect of ourselves, so does the Infinite filmmaker have this need to express Itself In and as our lives. We are made of the same substance of the Infinite Filmmaker and everything that the Infinite Filmmaker can do, which is limitless, It can have Its characters do also. Each individual character is created in the image and likeness of the Divine Filmmaker and how can it be otherwise? How can It create something that It is not, since It is everything? Each individual, you and I, in this movie called "Life" has in us the potential to become anything and experience everything that the Divine Filmmaker can think of without limitation, because there is no limit in the mind of the Infinite Filmmaker! We can and do experience everything that is held in the mind of this Divine Filmmaker and that is why life is so rich with experiences and there is no limit to those experiences. Think about this, we are in this movie called "Life" and experiencing whatever it is that the Divine Creator can imagine us experiencing and nothing is being held back. Now let me ask you something the same thing that I had to ask myself many years ago? If God, The Infinite Filmmaker is not holding back anything from Its creation of this movie called "Life", then who is keeping us from being all that we were meant to be. Who is keeping us from experiencing success in this life? Who is keeping us from fully expressing our unlimited selves? Does anybody have an answer? Of course we are and we are doing it through our consciousness, whether we are aware of it or not.


What you will learn in my workshops is that there is nothing to keep you from creating success in your life. As a matter of fact the original script that was written for your life by the Infinite Filmmaker, has success written all over it. What you will discover in these workshops, is that you are supported by an infinite Intelligence that is everywhere present, and is just waiting to reveal itself in and as and through your life as an Infinite Filmmaker and it does so through our consciousness.

Please come back next month and I will tell you how to get a hold of the script that was written by the Infinite Filmmaker for that perfect life that you were meant to be experiencing. Till then start to look within and there you will catch glimpses of the Infinite Screenplay.

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